Friday, October 14, 2011

Astrophobia: Fear of the Impersonal Nature of Personality

By []Hunter Reynolds

DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? Careful how you answer: It's a trick question - the sound of a disorientation-phobic mind attempting to induct you into its tidy, dualistic paradigm. My answer? "About as much as I believe in Hunter." Why must The Mystery be so mercilessly and mechanically nailed down? Because ego feels so desperately ephemeral.

Face it: there's no such thing as an "outside" mind. There's only "the" mind. The breeds of anxiety and anticipation that drift through our two-eared fish tanks are anything but exotic. Why do we spend so little time studying and making friends with this outrageously interpenetrating, archetype-enraptured psyche? Here are three possibilities. Take your pick:

1) Because it might reveal how unnatural and downright exhausting it is to uphold our groomed-over-a-lifetime "island of grey matter" status?

2) Because it might render all astro-masks theatrically precious but interchangeably unreal and, thereby, blur the line between the definitively likable and unlikable landmarks (a.k.a. "people") we so sadly depend on to navigate our sad ship across this sad sea?

3) Because a swashbucklingly separate mind is preferable to a provisional, dream-savvy one?

Do you believe in astrology? Hope not. A conceptually believed-in or disbelieved-in (vs. directly experienced) Leo archetype is nothing short of a cult. Smearing our eyes with belief or disbelief in anything is no different than stumbling around under the influence of a world-dizzying hallucinogen.

From ego's point of view, astrology is a bummer because it de-personalizes personality. Personality traits we used to call "ours" turn out to be on loan to billions. All the world's sinister, boring and supremely emulatable body/minds get squeezed, like dishrags, into a humble puddle of being-ness. Our best crack at "special-ness?" Being uncommonly and heartbreakingly aware of the viciously gossiped about and devoutly ignored divine presence.

The Void's Passing Mood

The most hateful thing about astrology is not that it dares to associate planetary positions with the colors of personality, but how it insults our self-made notions of who we are. If how we show up in the world is a function of the Void's passing mood (as indicated by constellational mudras), we are either god-spawn spin-offs of a universe-sized psyche or we're space junk with a flattering self-concept. Either way, we're screwed. Option one means our hard-hearted, robotic habits will likely follow us from lifetime to lifetime, so we'd better get to work now. Option two means that the kindest gesture and most mystical union we've ever known is probably just the Apolcalypse in a good mood.

There. Now you know why the serious study of astrology is so intimidating - and why we will never stop skimming those Sun Sign columns we don't believe in.

Astrologer Hunter Reynolds travels internationally, counseling and speaking to people from all over the world about Astrodharma: his unique and practical synthesis of western astrology with the meditative insights of Buddhism. You can read more about his itinerary and approach by subscribing to Styles of Awakening- his popular, monthly astrology newsletter, available free through his website ( [] A dharma poet, his book Brave New Prayers: Rascally Rhetoric to Fan the Flames of Oneness, is available through Amazon or at []

Article Source: [] Astrophobia: Fear of the Impersonal Nature of Personality

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Beliefism: The Religion of Ego

By []Hunter Reynolds

I RECENTLY READ AN ARTICLE by an iconoclastic, young meditation teacher I had never heard about. He painted a picture of the world as a meaningless Darwinian drama. All concepts of eternal life were disparaged and all eternal life-promising teachers were portrayed as self-aggrandizing hucksters. To him, your best chance at tuning into the mystery of the present moment was to divest yourself of all spiritual beliefs and confront the cold fact that we are all soulless, animal blips - a decidedly orphaned cosmology that he apparently deemed "spirituality-free" and, therefore, acceptable.

From an astrological point of view, he was slinging a Sagittarian arrow into the Sagittarian archetype. Don't get waylaid in those pitifully self-conscious backwaters (spiritual beliefs, principles, ethics), he urged. Proceed directly to the story-less communion of Pisces. It got me curious about the unconscious ways that I, too, might be pitting belief against presence. Is it true that spiritual beliefs undermine intimacy with what is or is there such a thing as a present-friendly belief?

Clearly, the eyes of ego are glazed with distorting preconceptions, but our inherently all-embracing, witnessing presence sees - even in these corny conceptual sunglasses - an object of meditation, a doorway into the divine. Awareness wants to infiltrate the mind; spiritual egos want to lob in a pipe bomb.

Applying this Tantric "include and transcend" principle to belief, one could surmise that some beliefs, if loosely held, might actually lead us to the cliff-edge of thought where we can get a better crack at free fall. In fact, some beliefs are actually designed to extinguish themselves, laying bare the luminous contours of the two-legged koans moving all around us. Buddhists call these ego-busting beliefs "skillful means." They aren't true; they aren't false. They're preciously provisional (Astrodharma being a prime example). Let's consider a few belief-busting beliefs from Tibet.

According to Tibetan Buddhism, the telltale sign of being present is awareness of the three times: past, present and future. Meditative presence - like a window in a watchtower - allows us to survey a broader and broader temporal landscape. Surveying our moments from this panoramic vantage point, we can slow down, redirect the momentum of past habits and shrewdly consider the ramifications of our automation-tinged words and actions. Paradoxically, only something as vast as no-mind could possibly take all these past and future considerations into account!

Another provisionally helpful Buddhist belief is called "karma." Believing that thoughts, feelings and actions shake the entire reincarnation-spiraling web of consciousness, are we not motivated to pepper a wider and wider swath of our awareness with compassionate care for self and others? Belief in karma injects sober discernment into the giddy, channel-surfing preoccupations of ego.

But what of astrology? Is it, too, a presence-friendly belief? Time to define our terms. What, for god's sake, is this thing called "belief?"

Thoughts, beliefs and the paradigms they cluster into are simply objects in awareness - no different than rocks, trees and rivers. To demonize belief is to demonize phenomenon itself. And why in the world would we do that? Projected self-hatred? Old-fashioned evil? Nope. Simpler than that. Because all phenomena - no matter how beautiful or desirable our conscious mind may deem them, no matter whether the "stuff" is material or cerebral - is, to the mind, evidence of separation, proof that we're alone, severed from nature, each other and the boundariless, oceanic being that, I believe, we all subliminally recognize as our true self.

From a nondual perspective, the purpose of phenomenon (pretty faces, tree trunks, racial prejudice, interminable loneliness) is to provide a surface against which our attention can ricochet back to The Attender - the one, selfsame being looking out through every pair of eyes. Accurately seen, every shred of ego's evidence of separation is in swooning service to oneness and self-remembering. Wow.

Think of it: everyone and every thing you encounter came here to help you - you, in particular - to better savor your vast, witnessing presence. Every seemingly random event is strategic, volitional, a meditative prod. Buddhists call this Pure View. No more indifferent glances from strangers. No aesthetically beautiful but personally unsympathetic flowers and trees: just allies in awakening huddling close all around you - an entire planet populated with Buddhas rooting you on, urging you to notice how peaceful, relaxed and unborn is this one who's looking.

Ah, but is it true? Dead question. Look around the room. Let your physiology cast a vote. Notice: how does my body feel seeing through this Buddhaful lens? What sensations arise? Ask: could something that so opens my heart and enlivens my tingly, full-bodied presence be contrived, unnatural?

Unlike religion, astrology is non-dogmatic. It is composed of intuitively recognized patterns or archetypes that can be observed in our inner psyche, in outer personalities and in the unfolding events of the world. The basic outlines of these patterns are thematically consistent but their individual expressions are infinitely unique. In addition, these archetypes overlap and continually modify each other. As such, they cannot be comprehensively defined; their presence must be felt or intuited in each individual person and circumstance. In this sense, the matrix of astrology is, indeed, a presence-friendly framework of perception because it invites us to more intelligently tune in to each passing moment and notice its repeating patterns. Astrology points to an intuitively verifiable and, I believe, benevolent design in which provisional beliefs like karma, reincarnation and pure view fit like a glove.

Unlike the aforementioned satsang teacher, astrology welcomes the phenomenon of spiritual belief as an ambassador of the element called air - an inextricable aspect of the five elements: fire, earth, air, water and ether.

Just as air contains humidity, mental constructs have emotional content (water). Just as air feeds fire, beliefs incite action (fire). Just as air interpenetrates and nourishes the body, opinions intermingle with physical sensations (earth). Finally, as every meditator knows, all four elements, all physical phenomenon, rise and fall in the substance-less medium called awareness (ether, Spirit).

To this teacher's credit, however, I would add that my least favorite people to talk astrology with are fellow astrologers. Too often, these astro-savvy folks display a buzzy identification with their beliefs that leaves little room for relaxed, emergent knowing. It is in their company, in fact, that I am most reminded: the world is not suffering from wrong belief, but from Beliefism: the faith that if a separate somebody can just get it conceptually right we just might save our own or another's soul, if not the planet. Alas, "final solutions" are the language of a panicked, solidity-clinging ego who has no interest in resting with no edges because it forever feels itself dissolving like the wicked witch of the west.

True/false, mainstream/occult: These content-based divisions of belief are superficial, misleading and unhelpful. In reality, there are only two kinds of belief: the presence-killing, conviction-stuffed ones and the lightly-held, provisional prompts that inspire folks to peek through the thick curtain of "somebody-ness" that keeps them feeling divided, desperate and afraid.

� 2011 by Hunter Reynolds

Astrologer Hunter Reynolds travels internationally, counseling and speaking to people from all over the world about Astrodharma: his unique and practical synthesis of western astrology with the meditative insights of Buddhism. You can read more about his itinerary and approach by subscribing to Styles of Awakening- his popular, monthly astrology newsletter, available free through his website ( [] A dharma poet, his book Brave New Prayers: Rascally Rhetoric to Fan the Flames of Oneness, is available through Amazon or at []

Article Source: [] Beliefism: The Religion of Ego

Monday, October 10, 2011

Horoscopes Junkies: Top Ten Signs You Might Be One of Them

By []Tanya Fischer

Wait, let me guess. You can't leave the house yet because you haven't checked your horoscope for the day on that one last website that you usually check. You gotta check that before you leave. Your day won't be the same without it! That brings us to why you are here. Here is a checklist of the top ten signs that you are one of those horoscopes junkies!

10. You have at least 25 daily horoscope websites bookmarked under your "favorites." This does not include all the ones that you have bookmarked for weekly, monthly, and yearly horoscopes (yeah, I'm talking to YOU). You really just want to make sure you have all the bases covered and don't miss a thing!

9.  You have stayed home at least once in the past 6 months because your horoscope said you should "stay close to home today." When explaining why you couldn't go in to work that day you told your boss you had a "personal emergency."

8. You are seriously considering starting a 12 step program for others like yourself who leave no horoscope stone unturned. You figure since everyone keeps telling you to find a program, you should just start your own.

7. You feel the innate need to text other people their daily horoscope just because you think that they "need to know!" When they complain about getting too much information, you feel hurt and silently swear to yourself that if they don't care about their life, then you don't either!

6. You left the house to go to the store. Halfway there you feel like you forgot something important. You have your keys and your wallet and you are dressed and have shoes on. Oh! Wait! You forgot to check your horoscope before leaving!

5.  When you ask someone what sign they are, it's not a pickup line. You are seriously concerned for their well-being and want to make sure that they know what to expect that day so that they don't miss a minute of it! However, if you are single and they are single then you would OBVIOUSLY make sure that you were an astrological match before even considering going out for coffee with them!

4. You are CERTAIN that the person writing the horoscopes that you read daily MUST be your next door neighbor because they have such insight into your life! How else would they know that you need money now or are having a difficult time with something in your life?

3. You get offended if someone classifies horoscopes as "entertainment." Entertainment? This is serious stuff! How dare you belittle it by calling it entertainment! Ugh! Some people!

2. You have written letters to the editor of every magazine, newspaper and journal that you read, demanding to know why the horoscopes are at the back of the publication and often with the funnies! The should be in Section A with the important world news & issues!

1. No one ever asks you what sign you are. All they need to do is look at your earrings, necklace, tattoo, phone cover, key chain, license plate, etc.

Relax, it's okay if you said yes to all ten signs! You can get more info and a free sample reading and Practical Astrology report over at   rel=nofollow []horoscopes junkies!

You can check out more free info and get a free sample reading and Practical Astrology report by visiting me over at []HOROSCOPES JUNKIES

Article Source: [] Horoscopes Junkies: Top Ten Signs You Might Be One of Them

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Decoding Destiny - The Deciphering Power of Numerology

By []Richard Andrew King

A code is a system of structural communication. The Genetic code houses DNA secrets of life. The Periodic Table houses the codes of all known 118 chemical elements and their atomic structures. Morse code transmits textual information through a series of dots and dashes expressed by either sound, light, taps or clicks. There is the Universal Product Code, a system of bar codes designating product prices and features. Vehicle parts have codes, cities have building codes and so forth. But what about destiny? Does it house a secret structure of communication, a Code of Destiny? If so, can that code be broken? The answer is, yes.

To decode something is to extract its meaning. Our destinies have a definite code, and the secret to breaking that code is to understand the components of our full birth name and birth date, the letters and numbers creating them, as well as their varying combinations.

Our destinies are complex, containing multiple layers of energy, much like the layers of an onion. No one number or destiny component can define who or what we are, and what we are is basically an interwoven tapestry of collective and varying energies. Some energies in our destiny tapestry harmonize and blend, some energies are antagonistic and clash, just as some colors blend well together and others do not, or as some musical notes blend while others clash. The issue of importance is that each of our destinies is individual and unique to us. No two people are the same; no two destines are the same. In this we are each very special.

Major components of the Code of Destiny are:

1. The letters of our full birth name

2. Our full name as a whole

3. The single names comprising our full birth name

4. The vowels of our birth name

5. The consonants of our birth name

6. Our birth date as a whole

7. The separate numbers of our day, month and year of birth

8. The combination of our name plus our birth date

9. Combinations of the natal (birth) data by addition

10. Combinations of the natal (birth) data by subtraction

11. Our age

12. Our age in months only

13. Our natal calendar year

14. Linkage

15. Stacking

16. Master numbers

17. Voids

1. The letters of our full name

Letters are more than literary characters. They are, more precisely, symbols for specific energy fields akin to the pieces of a puzzle. Each letter is associated with a number and represents both a timeline of action and characteristics specific to it. When placed in certain arrangements (names), these letters create certain destinies.

2. Our full name as a whole (Expression)

Our names are not random. Nothing is happenstance in this universe. There is a divine design to all things and our names are no exception. Although we think of our names as being given by our parents, in the higher sense they are given through our parents by a divine power, a power that has formulated our destiny through a specific set of universal laws, karma (the field of action and reaction) being one of those laws. The names-these energetic puzzles-contain much of the framework of our fate. Our full name is referred to as our Expression. It houses all of our assets and liabilities as a person.

3. The single names comprising our full name

The single names comprising our full birth name are their own puzzles. Basically, our full birth names are a large puzzle housing smaller puzzles within it (single names), created by letters which are the smallest parts of the puzzle of the entire name. Therefore, our names are a puzzle (letters) within a puzzle (individual names) within yet another puzzle (the full birth name).

4. The vowels of our birth name (Soul and Material Soul)

Each of our basic needs, wants, desires and motivations are determined by the vowels in our full name at birth. The vowels are: A-E-I-O-U-Y. The numeric value of the vowels in our name constitutes our Soul. Add the Lifepath to the Soul and the Material Soul is created. Thus, there are two layers of desire energy in each of us.

5. The consonants of our birth name (Nature and Material Nature)

Our personality and manner of doing things are determined by the consonants in our name. Like the Soul and Material Soul, the consonants create a Nature and a Material Nature, the latter being a mixture of the Nature and Lifepath.

6. Our birth date as a whole (Lifepath)

The numbers associated with the day, month and year of our birth when added together comprise a major part of our Code of Destiny called the Lifepath, the script of our life. Our date of birth is, like our name, no accident. We do not have a certain destiny because we are born at a certain time, but rather we are born at a certain time because we have a certain destiny, as well as a certain name.

7. The numbers of our day, month and year of birth  (Epochs)

Taken separately, the day, month and year of our birth each posses their own timeline and characteristics. These are called Epochs.

8. The combination of our name plus our birth date (Performance/Experience or PE)

When the Lifepath mixes with the Expression an energy is created that becomes the role we will give in life. This role is known as the Performance/Experience or PE for short.

9. Combinations of the natal data by addition (Pinnacles)

When the components of the birth date are added together in certain combinations, the resulting configurations are called Pinnacles. Like letters and names, they have their own timelines and characteristics.

10. Combination of the natal data by subtraction (Challenges)

When the components of the birth date are subtracted from each other in certain combinations, the resulting configurations are called Challenges. The have their own characteristics but share the same timeline as the Pinnacles.

11. Our age by year (Age Timeline)

Our age from year-to-year is a fluid part of the destiny puzzle. Its energies, marked by numbers and designated as the Age Timeline, have a major influence on the events, issues, problems, etc. for the year in question.

12. Our age in months only (Lifetime Monthly Timeline-LMT)

The total number of months of our life, counted singularly, comprise the Lifetime Monthly Timeline.

13. Our natal calendar year (Universal Timeline)

Our natal calendar year changes as the universal calendar year changes. The difference is that the energies of any given calendar year do not begin for us until the day of our birthday in that year. This is called the Universal Timeline. For a person born on January 1st, his natal calendar year will run concurrently with the calendar year. However, a person born on the 31st of December will not begin his natal calendar year until his birthday. Basically, he would begin his natal calendar year when the person born on January 1st would be ending his.

14. Linkage

Linkage is the continuous occurrence of the same number, numbers or number patterns in a numerology chart. Life linkage occurs when the numeric pattern in question begins at birth and continues uninterruptedly until death, i.e., for the entire life of the individual. Life linkage is often seen in the charts of famous individuals because the linking energy grows without interruption, thus allowing it to gain strength throughout the life.

15. Stacking

Stacking is the simultaneous occurrence of the same number, numbers or number patterns in a chart. While linkage creates continuity, stacking creates intensity. For example, if the number 8 appeared five times in different places in a chart during a given time period, it would have greater power than only one 8 during the same period.

16. Master numbers

Master numbers are multiple ciphers of the same single digit. There are two digit master numbers, such as 11, 22, 33, etc.; three digit master numbers such as 444, 555, 666, and four digit masters numbers such as 7777, 8888, 9999. Master numbers are extremely powerful, akin to nuclear energy. They can manifest positively or negatively. Generally, the more master numbers in a chart, the more power the destiny will exhibit.

17. Voids

Voids are missing numbers in the full birth name. They are like missing wiring in a car or holes in the fabric of an individual. For example, the letters A-J-S all equal a 1. If a person's full name has no As, Js or Ss, then he or she would have a 1 void. Voids are potentially problematic depending on if, when and where they occur in a chart. It would be wise, therefore, for a person to know of any voids in his name. When naming children, it is recommended the child's full birth name has no voids in order to increase the chances of a balanced life for the child.

Destinies and Snowflakes

What do our destinies and snowflakes have in common? As snowflakes are generally the same but specifically different, so our destinies are generally alike but specifically different. We all have a name, path in life, a role we will give in life, a desire base and personality, but the mixture of these ingredients creates a specific destiny unlike no other. No two people could possibly have the exact same destiny unless they were born with the exact same name in the exact same moment. Therefore, we are all unique unto ourselves. Furthermore, we are all quite complex, as are our individual destinies.


There is a Code of Destiny for each of us. That code is contained within the letters and numbers of our full birth name and birth date. The major components of the destiny code are discussed briefly in this article. Although generally the same because of our human status, we are specifically different because of our numbers. When one deciphers the codes of his name and birth date, the puzzle of his destiny will reveal itself, thus allowing him to expand his consciousness into the ever-expanding divine design of Reality.

Richard Andrew King is a numerologist and author currently living in Southern California. For more information on decoding destiny, read The King's Book of Numerology, Volume I - Foundations & Fundamentals, The King's Book of Numerology II: Forecasting - Part I and Destinies of the Rich & Famous - The Secret Numbers of Extraordinary Lives. These books and others by Mr. King are available at on his author's page: [], and additionally at,, His personal website is [] Follow him on Twitter: @1richking. YouTube channel is: arichking99. Facebook page: Kings Numerology.

Article Source: [] Decoding Destiny - The Deciphering Power of Numerology